Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Rosie fights the banded fledgling – August 18th, 2013

The timing of my visit to Washington Square Park this morningwas more conducive to Hawk-watching and I witnessed some pretty exciting action. Rosie silently flew past me in the nearly empty park. She was going from tree to tree, hunting.

Bobby and Violet at both parks – August 15, 2011

Today was a vacation day for me so in the late morning, while the rain was abating, I went to Washington Square Park with a friend to look for hawks. We sat on a bench for about half an hour with no sighting until a hawk (most likely Bobby) flew from the Southeast corner of […]

Bobby in both parks – August 12, 2011

A few of us hawk-watchers started our vigil in Washington Square Park on Friday the 12th since Bobby and Violet had been spotted there the day before. We had great luck in seeing Bobby almost immediately upon entering the park’s center. He was sitting on one of his regular perches atop an NYU building at […]